Which workout plans for flatter abs are available?  There is only one way to get flat abs and that is to reduce your body fat. Fortunately you don't have to spend a cent to buy a swing equipment you can use for 10 minutes a day or a "6 pack ad magic" equipment you can use 5 minutes a day either. All you have to do is reducing your body fat.

Of course you can workout and you should workout to build your muscle. The truth is we all have perfect abs. Even a 2000-pounder who has to be lifted out of his house by a truck because of his obesity, has perfect abs. Both you and I have perfect abs.

So, what is the problem? you may ask? The problem is that most people can't see their stomach. Why?  Because their body fat is too high. So, what shall I do to reduce my body fat?

- Develop good eating habits
- perform cardio exercises

and your body fat will be lowered and your stomach will be seen.

Then do ab exercises. Doing ab exercises will build your ab muscles but don't start ab training before before you can see your muscles, which means before you have got rid of the fat layer that is covering them.

You don't have to buy a machine to get 'six-pack-abs". Doing ordinary five minute crunches two days a week is sufficient to get great looking '6-pack-abs'. Here is how I'm exercising my abs:

- Allow 15 minutes twice a week for ab workout
- do weighted crunches
- then do leg raises
That's it. Only 2 times a week. Without machines, video tapes or DVD's. Just you and the floor. Reduce sugar and fat in your diet. Do cardio workout evenly. The diet and cardio will lower your body fat and make you abs visible.

Don't believe in all these commercials touting the necessity of various ab workout equipment because now you know how to get 6-pack abs. You don't have to spend time searching for workout plans for flat abs anymore.

If You want to not just gain muscle mass in your stomach but boost your whole body's muscle mass fast, I warmly recommend that you check out this unique muscle building system, known worldwide for it's simplicity and fast results. Click Here!

by Gary Gui